Top 10 Reasons to Switch to VoIP

Jive’s business VoIP services offer a wide array of reasons why today’s companies should consider switching to VoIP for business. How does a company’s management team know if they are ready to jump ship on traditional telephone services and board the VoIP technology vessel? Below are 10 questions businesses should ask before making this cost-saving…

What Companies Want: The Benefits of Switching to VoIP

In today’s downturned economy, more businesses are switching to VoIP phone systems. Why this increased demand? InformationWeek Research conducted a study on 280 companies and the top reasons for switching to VoIP business services include: Reducing telecommunication costs; Merging data and voice networks; Having a one-stop communication platform in place that can be utilized in…

U.S. Economic Slowdown and VoIP

As talk of the U.S. economic slowdown and Fiscal Cliff rolls off the tongues of Wall Street executives and news personnel, many people are wondering how skyrocketing taxes will affect small businesses. Fortunately for the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) industry, they stand to fare better during this dismal recession than other technology-related companies. In…

VoIP: Gaining Popularity in 2013

As tech trends advance and gain popularity within the business industry, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is predicted to increase in 2013. Not only are companies realizing the benefits of this advanced technology with its increased reliability, but also the cost savings for adopting these services are substantial. VoIP systems are extremely popular for start-up…

Storing Your Items for the Winter in California

     Sparky’s Self Storage can help you year round with your storage needs. Even with California’s generally mild climate, temperatures drop in the winter to low enough that special precautions need to be taken when storing items that could be damaged by the cold weather.      Winter is a great time to store those…

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