Money Matters: Talking the Money Talk with Your Spouse

Money, money, money! This is one of the main reasons why couples argue and fight, and when the differences become “irreconcilable”, the couple can face marital breakdown. In fact, finances are a hot topic for couples undergoing marriage counseling. Especially in today’s challenging economic times, couples face strained married relationships due to concerns about saving,…

Marriage Dos and Don’ts for Your Finances

Even with today’s pre-nuptial agreements, spouses will need to deal with the fact that they are managing the same household and that there is a merging of their finances somehow. This may be one of the reasons why money matters are such a hot button when it comes to marriages. The financial aspect of a…

Marriage and Money: Couples and Their Money Personalities

How do you view and handle money? Is your tendency to spend or to splurge? Were your parents indulgent and bought you everything you asked for, or did they require you to save up for what you wanted? Were your parents constantly arguing about money? Our experiences, the way we were brought up and the…

Raising Money for a Cause

Selling custom silicone wristbands is a great way to raise money and promote awareness of a cause.  Many organizations have done this and have been successful.  These wristbands have gained attention across the nation, so they are a recognizable and popular item.  A wide range of people like to wear the bands to support a…

The Basics on Personal Injury Lawsuit Funding

Everyone knows of someone who has been hurt from an accident due to other people’s negligence. The stories are endless. Like a friend who suffered from a severe dog bite, someone who slipped while walking at the supermarket or a neighbour who suffered ill-effects being prescribed the wrong medication.   If you yourself have suffered…

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