Exercise Relief: Sciatic Nerve Pain

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For people suffering from sciatic neuropathies, the results are often extremely painful. The sciatic nerve is located within the spinal cord and extends downward, between the lower backbones and into the buttocks’ muscles. Nerve damage to this area can occur from injuries that compress the nerves or from a form of direct trauma, such as a car accident. Depending upon the type of sciatic neuropathy, therapeutic exercise can be beneficial, helping alleviate pain and promote sciatic healing.


Before beginning any type of exercise regimen, it is important to discuss this with a physician, as he/she understands the details surrounding specific neuropathy conditions and can help recommend safe exercises.

Typically, the following types of exercises will help promote sciatic health and ultimately, pain relief:

  • Buttocks Muscles – Stretching the piriformis muscle helps release pressure on the nerve, especially pain related to compression-type injuries. Sitting in a chair with knees bent and both feet on the floor in front, raise the right ankle, placing it on the left knee. Slowly lean forward, holding the position for 30 seconds. Repeating this exercise can help reduce pain.
  • Core Muscles – Core muscle strength is vital for helping build a strong back. Strengthening these muscles can alleviate pressured caused by herniated discs. In a pushup position, hands should be place directly under the shoulders. Push upwards so the arms remain straight, raise the mid-section to create a straight back line and hold pose for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Muscle Contractions – When someone suffers from nerve trauma, it is important to retrain the nerves to fire and subsequently elicit muscle contractions. Many physical therapists can help with these types of exercises, beginning with neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Sitting down, slowly squeeze the buttock muscles inward, creating a contraction. Hold this position for five seconds and repeat 10 to 15 times.
  • Nerve Responses – When someone suffers from a neuropathy, physicians recommend helping retrain the nerve’s response time. Balance exercises are especially good for helping retrain the lower body and improving nerve responses. Walking in a straight line, try activating the muscles by doing toe dips or skipping along the imaginary line. Repeat 10 to 15 times for added balance restoration.

Neuroplenish focuses on natural peripheral neuropathy treatment, including diabetic neuropathy relief. They strive to create natural remedies that combine an array of vitamins, which are proven effective for neuropathy support formulas.

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