The Basics on Personal Injury Lawsuit Funding

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Everyone knows of someone who has been hurt from an accident due to other people’s negligence. The stories are endless. Like a friend who suffered from a severe dog bite, someone who slipped while walking at the supermarket or a neighbour who suffered ill-effects being prescribed the wrong medication.


If you yourself have suffered personal injury due to the deliberate acts, negligence or mistakes made by others, the good news is that you can file a lawsuit to claim for compensation for the harm and injury you suffered.


Filing a personal injury lawsuit


The first thing you should do is to get yourself an attorney to help you file the lawsuit case. He will be there to help build the case, as well as guide you towards having a scheduled court day in front of a judge.


By Personal Injury, we mean physical and mental damage and injury you sustained due to:

-          A doctor making a mistaken diagnosis or making a mistake while treating you (medical malpractice)

-          Accidents, falls and slips while you are in a public area such as an amusement park or the swimming pool

-          Animal attacks or dog bites

-          Vehicular accidents

-          Faulty or defective products or medicines

-          An accident while you are on the job


The Personal Injury litigation process


-          Gathering of information. The lawyer will look into the incident that caused your injury and will assess the damage you suffered and look for proof and witnesses. They will be working closely with you and the doctor to try to gauge the right amount of compensation for your injury. They will base these on your loss of income (or eventually, the loss of your job), medical expenses (both past and on-going), the possibility for additional large expenses (for an operation or for rehabilitation), cost of counselling and physical therapy and loss or damage to property. Other expenses that will be considered will be your out-of-pocket expenses and expenses needed in order to replace your services in your household (housekeeping, childcare or elderly care). The lawyer will also assess the extent of your pain and suffering and try to put a money value to this.

-          The demand letter. Your lawyer will send a letter to the other party outlining your injuries and how the other party is guilty in causing the injuries. They will be given some time (usually 30 days to act on this). Within this period, it is expected that the other party will contact you to negotiate for settlement or to make their reply to the demand letter.

-          Settlement offer. The other party can offer you a settlement as compensation for your personal injury. You can decide to accept the settlement offer and the process stops here. You will normally be asked to sign a waiver that frees the other party from any future claims you may have. Before you accept any offer, it is best that you consult with your lawyer. This is especially true if you are in the hospital or recovering from your injury. Accepting a settlement offer this early may not be a good idea since you still don’t know the extent of your future expenses as you are in the process of recovering from the injury. Now, you can also reject the settlement offer. Then the case can be filed in court.

-          Discovery. At this point, the appointed judge will review the merits of the case and will look into facts and evidence, including witness accounts of the incident, police reports, doctor’s reports, pictures and statements by experts.

-          Arbitration/Mediation. The court may try to resolve the dispute before it actually goes into court. The mediator will try to get you and the other party to get into a settlement that is acceptable to both.

-          Trial. After all efforts towards getting both parties to come to an amicable resolution fail, then the case will go to trial and will be heard by a judge, and in some cases, a jury. The judge and jury will listen to both parties make their case and they will decide whether to award damages and how much.

-          Appeal. If the results of the trial is not satisfactory to one party (i.e. there are claims that the case was decided unfairly), that party may file an appeal.

-          Settlement. When the appeal is decided upon and in your favour, then the settlement process can start.


Funding your Personal Injury Lawsuit


The problem is that while you are in the process of filing the suit and waiting for the other party to pay your claim, what happens to you? Life goes on. The monthly bills will still come. You still need to pay for your groceries and other basic needs. On top of that, you will need to pay for medical expenses while you are recovering from your injury. The question is, do you have the resources to “wait it out”? Please note that a lawsuit such as this one can take a few months to years.

You may need the help of a personal injury lawsuit funding company such as to help you get the neededpre-settlement fundingwhile you are waiting out your case. Personal Injury Lawsuit Funding provides you with much-needed funds. Mind you, you can’t borrow from your lawyer. State bar associations have prohibited this as your lawyer also acting as your creditor can be deemed as a conflict of interest.


Lawsuit funding is NOT a loan nor ancash advance. These do not exist. However, it allows you to hold out from the temptation of accepting a smaller settlement offer just because you need money, now. It is called a non-recourse funding – this means that when the case makes a turn for the worse and you don’t win or you win but the other party does not settle, you don’t have to pay for the money. In the event that the settlement is smaller than expected, you only need to pay the portion of our share of the settlement.


When you are applying for lawsuit funding, you should consider how much money you need to cover monthly bills, injury-related out of pocket expenses, loss of wages or loss of job, as well as your medical expenses and therapy.


The funding company will evaluate your case and will discuss it with your lawyer. When you as the complainant decide to get lawsuit funding, you will be required to sign the contract, with your attorney signing an acknowledgement relating to how you want these to be repaid in the event of a settlement. is committed towards helping you get your funding, easily and without much hassle – all in just five easy steps! If you are eligible, you can receive the money in as quickly as 24 hours. Visit our FAQ section to help you have a deeper understanding of lawsuit funding. You can also call us so we can help you get the funding you need.



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